Opening Hours
For the 2024 season, Fort Croghan is now closed. We will be open for our last event, Christmas at Fort Croghan, on December 14.
Our Regular Season is April to October. We open on the 2nd weekend in April and are open till the 2nd weekend in October. Our regular operating hours during the season
are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
from 10am to 4pm.
Our two big annual events are:
Fort Croghan Day, 2nd Saturday in October
Christmas at Fort Croghan, 2nd Saturday in December
Please get in touch with Sue Jeffcoat at to see if a tour can be arranged while we are closed.

Visit the fort grounds
It's also a good place for a picnic
There are 8 historical structures that date to the 1850's. You can look inside them and take a peek at how life was lived back then. There are some buildings that pertain to the fort and some are original 1850s cabins that were rescued and brought to the fort grounds for preservation. This includes a great dog-trot cabin. Also on site, is a great collection of antique agricultural machinery from John Deere to McCormick-Deering to so many more.

Visit the museum
Showcase of our past
The museum highlights the past of Burnet County citizens and Burnet County life but it also shows how Texans and Americans lived. From Lake Victor's first telephone exchange that highlights America's early communication systems to a priceless banjo that was made in New York and brought to Texas very early, there is lots to look at. There are also hundreds of barbed wire pieces and agricultural tools that highlight our area's agricultural history. There are also lots of artifacts found on the fort grounds.

Visit the Ferguson Library and Archives
Dig a little deeper into the past
The Thomas C. Ferguson Library & Archives has many early Burnet County items including probate records, deed indexes, maps, early school lists, fort information, CCC records, books, vertical files, and more. ​We also have a few Burnet County books for sale. The 2 volume Burnet County history, 2 Burnet County Cemetery books, Council Creek Calling, and a book on Edgar, an early area educator.

About Us
Connecting the past with the present and the future.
The above is the vision of the Burnet County Heritage Society.Â
Our mission is to preserve and promote Burnet County history.
We are caretakers of Fort Croghan and the museum. Our regular year is from April to October and we also schedule tours. We are a volunteer group with a passion for history and for sharing that history with the next generation.
When we meet
BCHS Monthly Meeting
The Burnet County Heritage Society meets once a month on the 2nd Tuesday at 2pm on the fort grounds or the library meeting room. Occasionally, we will meet in other historical locations around town. We keep our meetings to an hour and cover the business details of running a non-profit and completely volunteer organization.
We are always looking for people who love history, who love sharing our history with others, who want to help protect our treasures for future generations, or who just want to keep a hand in and help out here and there.
You are always welcome!